Thursday, August 23, 2012

Drowning ...

So theres this flood. There's a man and his dog on a rooftop. A boat floats by and offers the man rescue but he loudly proclaims that his god will protect and save him as he shoes the boat away. Then a helicopter comes, same thing. The man clings stubbornly to his rooftop, and his belief that he will be saved without the help of the passers by. Then comes a man with a canoe, the dog swims to safety and the man is left alone, drowning. Once in heaven the man asks god why he was not saved, god laughs at the silly, stubborn man and reminds him of the boat, helicopter, and canoe....  sometimes we loose sight of the forest for the trees. Sometimes we have to let go of people in our lives because they are too daft to appreciate us being there. Today is one of those days for me. It hurts. Maybe nobody explained to him that if you neglect a woman physically, and toy with her emotionally, that though she may tolerate it for a time in hopes that you will pull your head out of your ass and acknowledged how awesome she is and how important she is in your life and everything that she could offer you and and and.... breath .... breath .... though she may wait in hope for a while, eventually that hope will be dashed. And she will go. You can only push people so far before they stop trying to come back. I'm done trying to break through walls only to find new walls. Im tired. I give up. Moving on. Maybe next time you should get into the blasted boat dumbass.