Thursday, May 30, 2013


So I do try to be a good person. I give all that I've got to as many as I can.  This has been the practice for many years now. In more recent months however, I've begun to shift.  Instead of giving willingly until depleted I've started demanding reciprocation. Not demanding verbally mind you, but a decidedly clear innuendo is given. I give to someone,  though it may not be the thing I want to do, but because it is right I do it anyway. Now after the first time that you wrong me,  I smile and pretend that I didn't notice because after all,  we're all human. The second time, I smirk at the emerging pattern but continue to hope that the goodness inside of you will outweigh the vile mess that you have just presented me.  When thrice you mistake my kindness for weakness,  and thrice you trample over my generosity and patients with a steam roller I will warn you. You are now treading on thin ice.  When you express shock and disgust at me standing up for myself, not standing for your bullshit behavior, and telling you to cut the shit I laugh. Imagine that. You find me behaving like you disturbing? Go fucking figure. Now when you've realized that I can see through your fake ass and am done putting up with your shit,  (this is the part that really chaps my hide) and you threaten me,  attack my character, insinuate maliciousness on my part or in any other way insult my integrity,  I will level you. I will tear your despicable ass down so fucking fast your head will spin.  And the icing on the cake is that everyone knows why I've done it and nobody will feel sorry for you. I've done more than my fair share and you have pissed on me every step of the way.  I'm no mad though. I genuinely hope that you better yourself and become freed of this cruel existence you lead. But I'm sure as hell not going to help you anymore. I'm all out of give-a-fuck.