Thursday, January 19, 2012

Its Better To Have Loved And Lost....

Than Never To Have Loved At All.... Ive been hearing that quote for as long as i can remember. In fact, im almost certain that everyone everywhere has heard some version or another of it at least once in their lives. Its the go to guy when someone you know is hurting after some form of romantic loss. The beauty of its simplicity and hope never seems to let me down. Be it loss from death, breakup, a nonreciprocating crush, or whatever else may be plaguing your heartstrings, this quote is all inclusive. I know as one who has used it in a sad attempt to comfort friends and loved ones, that the intention when saying it is pure. I just want to let you know that in time, everything will be ok again and that this pain will pass. But when on the receiving end of this gesture, it rings through the ears like nails on a chalk board. The first response that comes to mind when im the one being 'comforted' is "Oh Yeah? TRY IT!" The audacity! Do you have any idea how bad this hurts?! Unfortunately most people do know how it feels to be brokenhearted. This sad state we all live in nowadays is not what one would call cohesive for the blooming bud of romantic love. This is a time of instant gratification. A time where a shiny new toy is always better than a comfortable old shoe. And lets face it, the sparks only go so far before youre left with the reality of the person youre with. But when you are lucky enough to push through the throng of bullshit working against romantic joy, and you find somebody who works with your mind body heart and soul, it finally feels like all is right with the world. Then you loose them. Thats when things really get tough. It feels like youve lost a limb. The air becomes too dense to breath into your lungs, it feels like youre drowning. Time both speeds up and stops all together. Your heart is physically pained. Existence as you know it has been halted and you are left haunted by sinister questions like what now? what went wrong? and the dreaded why? In this rush and flurry of emotion that has your poor head reeling and your eyes welling, little, if anything can calm the storm.  I know this from personal experience how this wretched awful mess feels. But luckily, i also know that time does truly heal all wounds. eventually the air becomes breathable again. Your body no longer aches with longing, your heart has again righted itself. Though the questions and what ifs may remain, they no longer nag you like they once did.
 One day, youll wake up and they wont be the first thought you have. Later youll lay down to sleep and they wont be your last thought either. You will have walked through a hurricane and come out the other side better for it. You will be stronger, and god willing a little more savvy. You will have gained fond memories, and thickened skin. The disaster itself will have helped you to grow as a person if you allow it to do so. So all hasnt been for naught. So again, It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All. A simple phrase. A severely ambitious statement. For these simple words have the foresight to see the better you that will arise this grieving like a pheonix. Even if you cant afford the same foresight yourself. Live.  Fall in love. Fall down so hard that your knees are bloodied and your palms are sore. Leap into it with both feet first and eyes closed. Trust like youve never been lied to. Believe in fairy tales like you did when you were young. One day, if you have a little faith, and an open heart, someone will come along who will see your baggage as a gift, your scars as beauty marks. They wont be someone, theyll be The One. And who knows, maybe without the heartbreaks youve forged forth, they wont find you as perfect as im certain they will..... 

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