Saturday, January 14, 2012

Never Make A Dr's Appt For Friday The 13th!!!

Ok kids, sooo i went to the doctors yesterday. It was a truly hellish ordeal. my appt was scheduled for 11, i didnt get seen untill noon. once is that super awesome room wearing my paper dress freezing in the blasting air conditioning, i was informed that i would not be receiving the services i had made said appt for. so after a wordy debate with the head bitch practitioner she finally agreed that since i wouldnt shut up shed go ahead and preform the services i requested which included a breast exam. so the head twat left my room and the other broad began to examine my lady bits. my nether region shone through with flying colors... then came the upper body feel me up... she must have been new. maybe she hadnt yet received her sensitivity training. maybe she was just an awful liar. i asked her what was wrong. she had no answer. she quickly rushed out of the room to grab head bitchtitioner again, said bitch promptly moved to the left side of the table and began feelin me up with the sternest of expressions on her face. it was amazing and almost laughable how she was magically transformed from royal cunt to the sweetest woman in the world as she told me about the lump that they had found. she kindly and politely explained that i would have to have further testing... it blows me away how quickly attitudes change under the appropriate circumstances. i guess the whole point of this overly detailed rant is that you really should watch what you say and how you say it. you never know how much shit the person your acting like an ass to already has on their plate, or how much theyre about to have..... we learned this shit in kindergarten right? treat others as you wish to be treated.... im gonna work on that. ill keep anyone who cares posted about my tits. <3

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