Thursday, January 12, 2012

life, love, and astounding disappointment.

I am 25 years old. When i was younger i thought that by 25 i would be happily married with a few puppies or that i would be a famous singer... obviously the later is not the case. sadly nor is the first. i hold few truths in life to be finite. but those that a do cherish i believe to be necessary to ones own happiness. to my own happiness. i believe that honesty is usually the best policy, but when a lie can save someone from undue pain that it is our duty to tell it. i believe in love at first sight. that you can meet someone and know the content of their character in an instant. that your souls can intertwine and dance with utter jubilation in an instant, and that if you keep your heart open and yourself willing that this person can be yours for a lifetime and you theirs. i believe that family is not determined by blood or legality, but by love. people exist who will understand, support and take care of you better than any blood relative may be able. blood may be thick, but water can move mountains. i believe that dogs are the closest thing to enlightenment you will find on this planet. they are pure, simple and beautiful in every sense of the word. i believe that hate is death. hate is only a secondary analyzation of love fueled by disappointment in another. i believe that repression of ones self causes cancer. honor your desires. allow them to breath. if it is unhealthy to do so, then find their root and dissolve them, do not simply stuff them away. I am 25 years old. i have lived with hippies in the redwood forest. i have lounged upon multi-million dollar properties on the beach. i have been drunk, been high, been in love one too many times, and one too few. i have been homeless. i have owned a home. i have given food to hungry men. saved a life. given birth, i have made love to a beautiful man. i kissed a girl and i liked it. ive told horrible, cheesy jokes. ive laughed until there was no sound escaping my lips and my ribs ached. ive spoken out for what i believe in. ive screamed so long and so hard that my throat bled. i have danced. i have sung. i have cried. i have felt the agony of a broken heart, and the joy brought back to it by a hot guy telling me im beautiful. i have been thin, i have been fat. i have listened. i have put aside my own selfish wants for the betterment of someone elses life. i have fought. i have waged war against the darkness of my own mind, and tried to help others do the same. i believe that you can have not a dime, but if you are with those that make your brain tingle and your stomach fuzzy then you will be richer than any billionaire i am long winded, well spoken, and i curse like a sailor. i have tattoos. i am 25 years old today, and though i am not where i thought i would be, i am contented in one simple notion... i have lived.

1 comment:

  1. U are amazing and beautiful in more ways thn one!
    <3 crystal
