Things happen in life that you don't expect. People dart in and out of your cast of characters. Plot lines change. The beautifully tangential nature of merely existing rarely ceases to amaze. But when one finds herself at a crossroads, unsure and alone, how does she choose? Now obviously alone is a relative term. Technically, I'm not lost on an island miles away from civilization. But in the core of my heart there currently lays a gap. Not a void. Saying that I am void is inferring that something is missing. Its not. I feel now, more than ever before, a wholeness. A oneness. My time is occupied happily. I love and am loved. I am of service. Yet here sits my gap. Standing before me is a vast valley. Not just two or three paths lay wait, but thousands. I'm sure that some karmic force helps to ensure particular pairings. The catalysts in life that assist in the propelling forward of my tale. But the rest is left to me. I've spent many a long and strenuous hour attempting to avoid these choices. Placating my childish whimsy has served me well thus far. There are hundreds of fantastical stories, memories; the things that fill the pages of the biography I'm writing in my heart. Honestly, I wouldn't trade a one of them! But alas, their time is ending. No longer are days spent idled, waiting to begin. Before me lay choices. The choices that will determine the rest of my days. This is an ominous task, the deciding. Part of me, the child, wants to glide blissfully along certain that all will be well despite my efforts.(Or more honestly, my lack there of.) While the other part of me, the prideful adolescent vying for grownuphood, knows that the work must be done to ensure that my future is one worth striving towards.... There are great tasks before me. Exciting, terrifying, brilliant tasks. Through the fog of confusion I beg little of the powers that be. I pray for strength. The strength to face the tough choices with my boots on, and stomp them, ever so gently away. I pray for clarity. The ability to discern the righteous path from the path of ego and pride. Further still, I pray for peace. I hope to be sitting on a porch one day, surrounded with life's blessings, and to be filled with a surety, a contentment, a knowing that the choice I've made were the right ones .... Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
What is a family? Is it some nuclear unit consisting of a Mommy and Daddy and 2.5 kids plus dog and an SUV? I think not. In my few short years, my many travels, and all throughout the lessons learned, my family has grown and molded itself into a strange brew at best. I am blessed with many mothers. Women with whom I have crossed paths with. Women who, for however briefly a time, have helped to shape me into the person I am today. I have met men who have protected me, cherished me as greatly as they would their own flesh and blood. I have made friends, be it originally or secondarily through somebody else, with whom the bonds are stronger than blood. People who I would die to protect. People who would do the same for me. I have children who I did not grow in my belly, but who look to me as their protector. The ebb and flow of this curious dance of life always keeps me on my toes. Very recently, I was shown a path that I hadn't planned on. There was someone which I was certain would be part of my life forever. Sometimes who I became so close to that I couldn't imagine a day passing without them in it. Then, one day, we parted. It wasn't easy. It definitely wasn't pretty. But it is EXACTLY what it should be. This one person may not have fulfilled the roll in my life I once thought they would, but they did me one better. He acted as a catalyst. He showed me things I'd never have seen. Taught me to appreciate things that I never thought I could. But what's more, he made my family grow. (NO he didn't knock me up!) Without the time we spent together I would not have met dozens of people who I now know as friends. Better still, I wouldn't know people who are now my family. It is a rag tag bunch. There's a crazy hippy lady who owns a coffee shop in the woods up north. There's a tattoo artist in New York. A marine in Texas. A street musician down the street. A child who called me mamma. A computer programmer in Vegas. Even a carpenter in Manchester. These people may not be blood, but when I hurt they comfort me. When I become discouraged, they encourage me. When I celebrate they are there to share my joy. Removing any one person from this web would be like losing a brother, a sister, like losing blood. Without them my life would be lacking. Though I know not what the future holds, how long I will be blessed with knowing them, what I know for sure is this: Sometimes, water IS thicker than blood. And for that, I am sincerely grateful.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
time to let go, ans start over.
i could tell you all about how and why i ended up as depressed as i had been for the last three years.
i could blame, point fingers, and skirt responsibility... cuz believe you me, there are plenty of valid reasons that things are the way they are.... or where! but im not going to do that. very plainly, all i am willing to say is that i made mistakes that affected me both mentally and physically and now its time for recovery. this is going to be the most challenging course of action ive yet to take. the actual work really isnt all that difficult. with a little bit of will power going to the gym is no big thing. for me, thr trouble is the realization of how far away from my former self ive let myself go. part of it couldnt be helped . surgery, injuries, and so on. but knowing what i used to be capable of, and knowing that im nowhere near that same level of ability now is a jagged pill to swallow. it woulds the pride, and scars the ego. i USED to do 1500 crunches A DAY. now, i can average about 100 before i hurt. my incision stings and burns and i just cant go on. it makes me feel weak. it makes me feel ugly. it makes me feel ashamed. what i need to do is continue to remind myself that i am no longer the girl i was three years ago. not physically, and certainly not mentally. i need to remind myself that i am a new girl. with every passing day and every ounce of progress, i am being reborn. i am molding myself into the person i am now. i an sure that at some point during this journey, i will become discouraged. the changes wont happen as quickly as id like them to, my ability wont grow as fast as i feel it should. but through that discouragement i foresee a lesson learned. every day that i feel low will serve as a reminder as to why i need to continue to persevere. why i need to never allow myself to wallow as lowly as i have been for the last three years. the tao teaches us to " Deal with difficulties while they are still easy.
Hand the great while it is still small.
The difficult problems in life
Always start off being simple.
Great affairs always start off being small.
Therefore the sage never deals with the great
And is able to actualize his greatness. "
i let my problems become so big that the thought of resolving them in and of itself was able to invoke fear and hopelessness. with each passing day i will use that sadness to remind me to be in action. and to NEVER AGAIN allow my problems to grow larger than me. Day 1. wish me luck! nah, fuck that. wish me strength!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Drowning ...
So theres this flood. There's a man and his dog on a rooftop. A boat floats by and offers the man rescue but he loudly proclaims that his god will protect and save him as he shoes the boat away. Then a helicopter comes, same thing. The man clings stubbornly to his rooftop, and his belief that he will be saved without the help of the passers by. Then comes a man with a canoe, the dog swims to safety and the man is left alone, drowning. Once in heaven the man asks god why he was not saved, god laughs at the silly, stubborn man and reminds him of the boat, helicopter, and canoe.... sometimes we loose sight of the forest for the trees. Sometimes we have to let go of people in our lives because they are too daft to appreciate us being there. Today is one of those days for me. It hurts. Maybe nobody explained to him that if you neglect a woman physically, and toy with her emotionally, that though she may tolerate it for a time in hopes that you will pull your head out of your ass and acknowledged how awesome she is and how important she is in your life and everything that she could offer you and and and.... breath .... breath .... though she may wait in hope for a while, eventually that hope will be dashed. And she will go. You can only push people so far before they stop trying to come back. I'm done trying to break through walls only to find new walls. Im tired. I give up. Moving on. Maybe next time you should get into the blasted boat dumbass.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
It's a Gamble
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
an interesting analogy...
i know how to analyze the bubble. how to separate all factors of a situation and individually assign them cause and value. i told him that i don't like bell curves or his harsh analogy. i told him to look at love like a stock option. if you buy your shares at a dollar and they spike to $10 then settle back around $7, you're still a helluva lot better at $7 then you were at $1. he rebutted with a question. "what if it settles at $1.50?" my response was simple, evaluate. if you really think hard, analyze, research and truly believe that your stock wont rise any higher than that ever again, then you do what any rookie broker would do and dump the stock. you've still made a small profit and have put yourself in a position to not suffer any further losses. but if after all of your extensive research, there is even the slightest inkling that your shares may rise again, hold. the last thing you want is to dump your stock at $1.50 only to have it shoot back up to $10 in a few weeks. what could you have done with all that money? how hard would you kick yourself? Love is a gamble but it isn't as scary as some people make it out to be. when its right, its right and you'll know it. it doesn't mean that your stock wont peak and valley, it most certainly will. nobody said anything about this shit being easy. but at the end of the day, when all is said and done, if you see the potential for a high return, buy. people nowadays are so quick to say 'oh its hard i quit' people are too skittish now. they see a drop in value and they run for the hills. so few stick around long enough to see the true value of their full return. so i implore you, wholeheartedly, please close your eyes and look ahead. look forward to a time of peace and prosperity in your own life, and if any part of you can see the potential joy that will arise from keeping her there, then do it. you don't wanna be the fool that missed the bubble do you?
Monday, March 12, 2012
Back to basics.
Dreams. Wishes. Desires. Once upon a time, a long long time ago, i had a dream. Then life happened. The all encompassing, messy junk that is life. Through the disappointments and scars, the changes and growth I did what most people do. I let my dreams go. I convinced myself that those silly things that I had once longed for weren't possible. Or worse, not what i wanted. Or sadder still, not what i really wanted... Lies. Though I might not want to be a ballerina anymore, the realistic hopes and goals still dwell somewhere in my heart. What i once glanced upon with regret, I now see just off the horizon... Who of we 'Grown Ups' have not let a dream drift away? We convince ourselves that we are being logical in our changes of heart. We forget. We stop being true to ourselves. The child in me is screaming. She wants me to push forward, kicking and fighting, until my heart is satisfied. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to take the time necessary for me to grow and settle and learn. Now darnit I'm ready to make these dreams real... I deserve the happiness my heart desires. Oh yeah, so do you. Let's get it! Semper Veritas friends. Always be true to your hearts.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Black and White...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Golden Calf
Is there such a thing as knowing too much about someone? Does familiarity truly breed contempt?
I have always had a bit of a struggle with judgment. Now don't get me wrong, im not the type of person who wil pass opinions as fact. Im certainly not the type to harbor ill will or hold grudges either. What i suppose i mean is, that though i find myself in the rhelm of forward thinkers, i still hold certain 'thruths' for myself and my interactions. Some of these truths are based on my moral standing, some on my ethics, and the lot im least proud of, my ignorance and lack of understanding. Now one particular thing that i feel very strongly about is the usage of drugs and alcohol. I see them as an unnecessary faction of existence. I see their use as a crutch for the weak of heart. A bandaid on the ache of the day. Or even a cheatsheet of sorts for the socially inept. I am fully aware that this is a highly unpopular opinion. I am not innocent. In fact, i am a repeat offender. I'll just say that I'm a friend of Bill. If you know, you know. If you don't, kindly read on. I as an individual tend to gravitate towards strong people. I choose to interact with those who i respect. I seek kinship from only those who i see as enlightened, and wise. Proud people. People i wish to emulate. After all, association brings upon assimilation. So what does one do when one of these chosen brethren shows a side that i am not particularly fond of? More specifically, when someone to whom I've lended the utmost respect and adoration informs me of fault i had not yet been privy to, does that no longer entitle them to my aforementioned adoration?! Are they still not kind? Are they still not wise? Do they still not love me just the same as they did before? The answers are yes yes and of course. Yet why then do i find it harder to see them in the glowing light of yesterday? From before this unhappy news befell my wounded ears. Should I allow such a trivial thing to degrade the purity of my caring? Ummm i think not. Logically i know that no man is a golden calf to be haplessly respected. So why the disappointment when I'm simply reminded of their humanity? Am i so daft as to expect perfection or am i simply caught off guard when those i care for are not quite what I'd thought them to be... Again, does it matter? No. They are still just as strong, wise, kind, and loving. And i am still just an enthralled... just maybe a tad more cautious than i once was. After all is said and done, i believe that the assimilation bit is what gets me. I mean, if they can be great but broken, and my association will inevitably lead to my adaptation of their traits both positive and negative, where does one draw the line of acceptability? Is there a fucking line? I'm beginning not to think so. Maybe my truths are all just folly. Maybe life is comprised not of black and white, but shades of gray... and oh how colorful gray can be...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Occupational Hazard
Thursday, February 16, 2012
how quickly we forget...
Monday, January 30, 2012
The End Of An Era...
Friday, January 27, 2012
An Interesting Predicament.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Its Better To Have Loved And Lost....
One day, youll wake up and they wont be the first thought you have. Later youll lay down to sleep and they wont be your last thought either. You will have walked through a hurricane and come out the other side better for it. You will be stronger, and god willing a little more savvy. You will have gained fond memories, and thickened skin. The disaster itself will have helped you to grow as a person if you allow it to do so. So all hasnt been for naught. So again, It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All. A simple phrase. A severely ambitious statement. For these simple words have the foresight to see the better you that will arise this grieving like a pheonix. Even if you cant afford the same foresight yourself. Live. Fall in love. Fall down so hard that your knees are bloodied and your palms are sore. Leap into it with both feet first and eyes closed. Trust like youve never been lied to. Believe in fairy tales like you did when you were young. One day, if you have a little faith, and an open heart, someone will come along who will see your baggage as a gift, your scars as beauty marks. They wont be someone, theyll be The One. And who knows, maybe without the heartbreaks youve forged forth, they wont find you as perfect as im certain they will.....